Unlock ‘Financial Enlightenment’

Unveil Your Hidden Wealth Potential And Reshape Your Future

With The Eye-Opening Myths of Money Course


  • 14 Modules Illuminating The Biggest Money Myths That Hold 99% Of People Back
  • 15 Myth-Busting Videos (Performed Personally By Charlie Epstein)
  • 15+ Email Lessons To Change The Way You Think About Money Forever
  • Your Very Own Hands-On Money Myths Workbook        
Yes! I want the myths of money course + FREE BONUSES

From The Desk
of Charlie Epstein

Dear friend,

Have you ever wondered why financial success seems to come to certain people so easily - but always seems to slip through your fingers?

Why some people seem to always have the money to do what they want - while you’re left wondering when you’ll finally have enough?

It’s almost like some people are playing by a different set of rules.

But it turns out that’s not too far off from the truth…

Because over the last 41 years I’ve discovered a shocking truth about the top 1% of most successful people…

Which allows them to operate under an entirely different financial playbook…

Enjoy doing what they love most without any financial anxiety holding them back…

It’s almost like some people are playing by a different set of rules.

And avoid the huge mistakes that trap your hard-earned money, suffocate your income, and keep your financial goals forever out of arm’s reach.

So what’s this truth?

What you believe about money determines how much of it you have.

Sound strange?

Then let me share a quick story showing you…

How One Bad Belief Can Keep You Trapped, Unhealthy & Miserable

Because if you’re anything like most clients that come to me…

Then chances are you’ve felt the “slow bleed” that comes from believing traditional financial advice…

Which keeps most hard-working people from ever making meaningful financial progress.

Steve was no different.

He absolutely hated his job.

It bled him dry - physically and mentally - and every day felt worse than the last.

But Steve was trapped in the belief that he couldn't be happy unless his mortgage was paid off. 

Which meant he had to be miserable for another 7 years while his health deteriorated before his eyes.

And then, bam! A minor accident left one of his fingers partially severed.

But don’t worry, there’s a happy ending…

Because even though he was out of work for five months, Steve felt genuinely relaxed for the first time in ages.

So we took some time to dig deep into all of the wrong things he’d been taught about money…

Making him realize just how much he’d been held back this whole time.

And as a result, he and his wife decided to tap into the "dead equity" hiddenin their homes and bought themselves a slice of paradise—a dreamy vacation home.

Plus, they both ditched their soul-crushing jobs four years early, choosing to chase their passions and live the life of their dreams.

But Steve is just one example of what it’s like to rid yourself of a faulty financial playbook.

But enough about me telling you Steve’s story. He stopped by my office the other day to tell me how amazing his life is now.

Listen to what he has to say.

Bad Money Beliefs Can Leave You Drowning In Debt With No Way Out

Like they did with another client of mine we’ll call Frank.

Frank and his wife were drowning in 22% credit card debt, struggling to keep their head above water.

Along with that they were desperate to save for their daughter's wedding and give their kitchen a much-needed facelift.

Problem is they:

Had $75,000 of credit card debt.

Needed to save $50,000 for their daughter's wedding.

Needed $60,000 to renovate their kitchen

At night Frank would lie in bed wondering how they’d ever have enough money to achieve their goals.

But there was a glimmer of hope—they owned a primary home and a rental property, both brimming with untapped equity.

So after a sit-down with me they re-examined their money myths and discovered a new strategy for them…

Allowing them to refinance both properties while pulling over $200,000 of “dead equity “ out of them.

And with their newfound funds they crushed their 22% credit card debt, whipped their kitchen into shape, and threw a jaw-dropping wedding for their daughter—all while lowering their monthly payments.

I still remember the sound of their laughter filling the air as they finally broke free from their money myths and seized their financial freedom.

So what’s the common thread between not just these two stories - but millions of stories all across America?

It’s the fact that:

Everything You’ve Been Taught About Money May Be A Lie

Sound like a gross exaggeration? I don’t blame you.

But as it turns out, the “common sense” advice about money most of us hear growing up…

Doesn’t have a whole lot of sense.

Because over time these financial falsehoods we fail to question end up trapping us in lives we don’t want to live…

Without us ever waking up to the wool that’s been pulled over our eyes.

I call them Money Myths - and if you’re like most people then chances are you’ve been “silently sabotaged” your entire life…

Because these massive myths stop 95% of people from making the RIGHT decisions with their money…

Making it almost impossible to reach your most meaningful financial goals.

That’s because trying to navigate your life without being aware of these myths is like trying to navigate a minefield with a blindfold on.

And that gets scary when it only takes one bad money decision to set you back years, decades or more…

Or derail your financial future altogether.

The Three Most Common Money Myths That Keep 95% Of People Stuck

1. “My Home Mortgage Needs To Be Paid Off”

I truly believe this is the biggest myth we have in America…

And chances are you’ve heard it repeated by some notable names.

But this myth isn’t one you want to fall for…

Because all you typically end up doing is killing your cash flow by making extra monthly payments on equity that earns you nothing.

Even worse, you might confuse the "potential appreciation" in the value of your home with paying off your mortgage.

But here’s what the wealthiest people in America know:

It’s better to use someone else’s money instead of your own…

While letting Uncle Sam cover part of your bill for the rest of your life.

Your home mortgage is no exception.

2.“My Home Is An Investment”

If the financial crisis of 2008 showed us anything…

It’s that the value of your home can fluctuate dramatically.

And considering everything that’s gone on in the past few years…

Counting on your home as an investment to be converted into cash is no longer a foolproof investment option, nor is it a guarantee in creating your "paycheck for life."

And downsizing doesn’t save you either.

Because in my 41 years of experience I’ve seen the total costs of a smaller downsized house eclipse the purchase price of the house that they’re selling…

Leaving very little in the way of leftover “investment dollars.”

Simply put, you can’t eat your house.

Because while you can live in it…

You can’t live off it.

3. “The Equity In My Home Earns A Return”

Ever believed this one?

Lots of homeowners do

They see the value of their property increasing over time…

Or see their outstanding mortgage balance go down…

And believe this increased equity actually earns them something.

But the truth is the equity in your home is a dead asset.

It earns a "zero percent rate of return."

Meaning if you want your dollars to work for you and create you a Paycheck For Life…

You need to look somewhere other than your home.

I’d like to help you do that and much more with:

The Myths Of Money Course

If you’re ready to remove the roadblocks stopping you from:

  • 14 Modules Illuminating The Biggest Money Myths That Hold 99% Of People Back
  • Escaping a financial situation you feel there’s no way out of
  • Significantly lowering your monthly payments - and your stress levels
  • Achieving financial independence and the freedom to live life on your own terms
  • Reaching your “Desirement Years” and living every day like it’s the weekend

Then the Myths of Money Course is perfect for you…

Because I’ve packed together 41 years of time-tested financial wisdom into one small (but highly impactful) course…

And once you’ve gone through the 14 eye-opening modules you’ll change the way you look at money forever…

And unlock the ultimate clarity you need to

  • Replace your mistaken beliefs with new money strategies that can multiply your wealth
  • Avoid gigantic pitfalls that can sap your income and trap your money for decades
  • Use your existing assets to free you from debt, a job you dislike, and more
  • Get rid of your “Dead Equity” so you can generate a yield that funds your dreams
  • Make smarter decisions on your biggest needle-moving assets
  • Take your foot off the brakes and reach your financial goals in a fraction of the time
  • And much more

Here’s What You’ll Find Inside


  • 14 Bite-Sized Modules Illuminating The Biggest Money Myths That Hold 99% Of People Back
  • 15 Myth-Busting Videos (Performed Personally By Charlie Epstein)
  • 15+ Email Lessons To Change The Way You Think About Money Forever
  • Your Very Own Hands-On Money Myths Workbook

Not Your Typical Financial Course

You might be wondering:

“What sets the Myths of Money Course apart from all the other financial courses out there?”

It's the laser-sharp focus on the enormous impact that these 14 money myths have on your decision-making process when it comes to money and finances.

No other course dives this deep into uncovering and dismantling these myths.

Most financial courses try to teach you how to invest – but without addressing the deeply ingrained money myths that dictate yourfinancial behavior, you're fighting an uphill battle. 

The Myths of Money Course breaks through these barriers, empowering you to make smarter financial decisions and truly unlock your potential for wealth and success.

And don’t worry, I won’t ask you to sit down for the kind of hour-long lectures that made you doze off in school.

Because I’ve designed each module to be short but impactful so you can unlock ultimate clarity in minimal time…

Making it much easier to apply the strategies and insights into your life fast…

And see real changes without needing to wait weeks, months or years.

Most financial courses try to teach you how to invest – but without addressing the deeply ingrained money myths that dictate yourfinancial behavior, you're fighting an uphill battle. 

The Myths of Money Course breaks through these barriers, empowering you to make smarter financial decisions and truly unlock your potential for wealth and success.

And don’t worry, I won’t ask you to sit down for the kind of hour-long lectures that made you doze off in school.

Because I’ve designed each module to be short but impactful so you can unlock ultimate clarity in minimal time…

Making it much easier to apply the strategies and insights into your life fast…

And see real changes without needing to wait weeks, months or years.

You might be wondering:

“What sets the Myths of Money Course apart from all the other financial courses out there?”

It's the laser-sharp focus on the enormous impact that these 14 money myths have on your decision-making process when it comes to money and finances.

No other course dives this deep into uncovering and dismantling these myths.

Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Have Money Myths Holding You Back

Chances are if you’ve believed any of these money myths throughout your life…

Then you’ve effectively been trying to drive a car with one foot on the gas and the other foot on the brakes.

And it’s no wonder why that approach doesn’t get you very far.

But once you’ve got clarity on what’s been holding you back this whole time…

You can start driving full speed towards the future you’ve always wanted.

And have the freedom to experience what’s most meaningful to you, such as:

  • Living the dream vacation with your family, making priceless memories, and feeling proud to give them such an unforgettable experience
  • Diving into your passions—launching a business or learning a new skill—feeling fulfilled, excited, and true to yourself
  • Restoring harmony in your relationship, resolving financial issues, and erasing tension with your spouse
  • Embracing life to the max—traveling to far-off destinations, taking time for self-growth, or exploring new hobbies
  • Witnessing the joy of your daughter's dream wedding, knowing you made her special day possible
  • Beaming with pride as your child graduates college, knowing you supported their education and set them up for success
  • Breathing a sigh of relief and gratitude as you break free from the crushing weight of debt that once seemed insurmountable
  • Riding the wave of excitement and fulfillment as you launch your passion project, turning your dreams into reality

Ready to take your foot off the brakes and stop holding yourself back?

Then Do Your Future Self A Favor And Invest In The Money Myths Course For Just $197 Today (Normally $997)

Because for the price of a Starbucks latte each day…

You’ll get the eye-opening insights you need to reap a financial harvest you didn’t know you had…

Like Frank, who discovered over $200,000 in dead equity and crushed his credit card debt.

Or you may be able to finally quit a job you hate and slash your stress levels rapidly…

Like Steve and Lisa, who ditched their soul-crushing jobs four years early and chose to chase their passions instead.

Or you may be able to finally quit a job you hate and slash your stress levels rapidly…

Like Steve and Lisa, who ditched their soul-crushing jobs four years early and chose to chase their passions instead.

Or you’ll get yourself that much closer to your most meaningful goals - financial or otherwise.

What would that be worth to you?

And not just in dollars - but in freedom…happiness…and peace of mind?

For right now - and for the rest of your life?

If you’d like to see what life’s like when you pull back the curtain and discover the freedom and abundance that’s been hidden from you all this time…

Then I invite you to join me on a myth-busting journey of a lifetime today.

Buy Now

Money Myth Course ReviewS

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even.- Steve’s

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even.- Steve’s

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even.- Steve’s

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even.- Steve’s

Backed By My No-Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee

And because I’m so confident that this course will change the way you think about money and unlock a treasure trove of life-changing insights for you…I’m inviting you to go through the entire thing at no risk.Read every module, watch every video,
and discover each and every money myth holding you back…

And if you don’t come across one golden nugget that can dramatically change your financial situation…Then contact
me and I’ll happily provide a prompt and courteous refund - no questions asked.

© 2023 Yield of Dreams, LLC all rights reserved.